sports flanders


Protect your skin. Also while exercising

Sunlight is essential for the health of child(ren). After all, ultraviolet radiation ensures the production of vitamin D and thus the development of a strong bone system. But children's skin is still young and thus extra sensitive to harmful UV rays.

Make your municipality, city or sports club solar safe thanks to our #SMEEREM sunscreen dispensers!

Supplied with batteries and 1 liter of sunscreen
customizable sunscreen dispenser
SMOKE Dispenser

60,00 (excluding VAT)

Sports-specific dispenser?

A firm standing footing?

We've got your back!

It is possible to use our #SMEEREM personalize sunscreen dispensers with your sports federation's own sports design.

Place the Sundisp sunscreen dispenser wherever you want thanks to our sturdy standing base.

You can refill sunscreen in an instant.

This may also come in handy


The Smeerem Campaign 2022

This year Sport Flanders, Healthy Sports, VUB UZ and Foundation against Cancer the focus of the #smeerem campaign on the UV index. People do not know exactly when to apply sunscreen or protect themselves from the sun. The UV Index is a good indication here and shows the effect of the strength of solar radiation on unprotected skin.


Therefore, that number is the guideline to follow if you want to protect your skin, not heat. Too many people confuse heat with the power of the sun, when it is the position of the sun that determines the strength of its rays. That power may be stronger on a cool day than on a warm day.
